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adopting a teenager in tennessee: a guide for prospective parents

Adopting a teenager can be a rewarding experience for both the child and the family. Unfortunately, many teenagers in Tennessee's foster care system age out without ever finding a permanent home. In this post, we'll explore the statistics of Tennessee teenagers in foster care who are adopted vs who age out, methods by which parents can adopt teenagers, and the benefits of working with a Tennessee adoption attorney.

Statistics of Tennessee Teenagers in Foster Care Who are Adopted vs Who Age Out

According to the Tennessee Department of Children's Services, there were 8,130 children in foster care in Tennessee as of June 2021. Of these children, 1,702 were between the ages of 13 and 17. Sadly, only 29% of teenagers in Tennessee's foster care system are adopted, while 22% age out of the system without ever finding a permanent home. This means that almost half of Tennessee's foster youth do not have a stable support system when they become adults.

Methods by Which Parents Can Adopt Teenagers

There are several ways to adopt a teenager in Tennessee, including:

  1. Foster-to-Adopt: This method allows parents to foster a child first and then adopt them if the match is successful. This is a great option for parents who want to get to know the child before committing to adoption. 

    The foster-to-adopt process typically involves temporary placement of the child in the prospective family's home, during which time the family can learn about the child's needs, personality, and behavior.

    Foster-to-adopt is a flexible and supportive option because it allows for a gradual transition for both the child and the family. During the foster period, families receive training and support from the state, which can help them prepare for the challenges of parenting a teenager who has experienced trauma. Additionally, foster families receive financial assistance to help with the child's expenses, including food, clothing, and medical care.

    Another benefit of foster-to-adopt is that it allows families to form relationships with the child's birth family, if appropriate. In Tennessee, the state's Department of Children's Services prioritizes maintaining connections between children in foster care and their birth families, whenever possible. This can be beneficial for the child's emotional well-being and can help the family better understand the child's history and needs.

    It's important to note that foster-to-adopt is not a guarantee of adoption. The process can be challenging, and some children may return to their birth families or be placed with another adoptive family. However, for families who are willing to take on the risks and challenges of fostering, the rewards of providing a loving and stable home to a teenager in need can be immeasurable.

  2. Private Adoption: Unlike fostering, private adoptions involve working with an adoption agency or attorney to find a child who is available for adoption. This can be a more direct and faster approach to adoption, but it also requires a higher level of legal and financial responsibility from the adoptive family.

    In Tennessee, private adoptions must be finalized through the court system, and adoptive parents must comply with all legal requirements for adoption, including background checks, home studies, and other documentation.

    Private adoption can be a good option for families who want to have a more direct role in the adoption process and who are prepared to take on the legal and financial responsibilities involved. However, it's important to work with a reputable adoption agency or adoption attorney to ensure that all legal requirements are met and that the adoption is finalized properly.

  3. Relative Adoption: Relative adoption is a special type of adoption that occurs when a family member, such as a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or adult sibling, adopts a child who is related to them by blood or marriage. Relative adoption can be a good option for adopting a teenager in Tennessee because it allows the child to stay within their extended family while still receiving the stability and support of a permanent home.

    In Tennessee, relative adoption is often preferred over other types of adoption because it helps to maintain the child's cultural and familial connections. Relative adoption also allows the child to stay in a familiar environment with people they already know and trust, which can help them to adjust to their new living situation more easily.

    Relative adoption can be a good option for families who want to adopt a teenager in Tennessee and who have a strong familial connection with the child. If you're interested in pursuing relative adoption, you can contact the Tennessee Department of Children's Services or an adoption attorney who specializes in relative adoption. These professionals can provide guidance and support throughout the adoption process, helping you to navigate the legal requirements and provide a stable and loving home for a teenager in need.

Benefits of Working with a Tennessee Adoption Attorney

When adopting a teenager in Tennessee, it's important to have a knowledgeable and experienced adoption attorney on your side. A Tennessee adoption attorney can provide valuable guidance and assistance throughout the adoption process, including:

  1. Navigating the legal requirements and paperwork involved in the adoption process.

  2. Identifying potential challenges or roadblocks and developing strategies to overcome them.

  3. Providing support and advocacy during the adoption process and beyond.

By working with a Tennessee adoption attorney, families can ensure that their adoption process goes as smoothly as possible, and that their rights and interests are protected.

Adopting an older child in Tennessee can be a rewarding experience that provides stability and support for both the child and the family. By understanding the statistics of Tennessee teenagers in foster care who are adopted vs who age out, the methods by which parents can adopt teenagers, and the benefits of working with a Tennessee adoption attorney, families can make informed decisions about the adoption process and provide a loving and stable home for a teenager in need. If you're considering adoption in Tennessee, don't hesitate to reach out to a Tennessee adoption attorney for guidance and support.