tennessee last will and testament

If you haven't made a Will (or reviewed an old one) in the past two to five years, don't delay. Schedule a consultation with the Otten Law Firm to get started.

a close up of a piece of paper with the words last will and testament.

the importance of a will in tennessee

When someone dies without having first made a will, they are said to have died “intestate.” In the case of an intestate death, it is up to the State to decide how to divide and distribute the estate and assets of the person who passed away. Thankfully, it’s no mystery as to what happens, as the division of an estate without a will is statutory.

In general, the Tennessee intestacy statute is written in order to govern the distribution of an estate in a manner that the decedent would want if they could choose. However, because each person is different, it is oftentimes an insufficient substitute for the actual wishes of the deceased. If you want to distribute your estate in a specific manner, or if you want to ensure that everyone you care about receives part of your estate, it is imperative that you make a will.

A Last Will and Testament will allow you to explicitly state your wishes in a written document to ensure that your family receives exactly what you want them to.

who can make a will in Tennessee?

In Tennessee, there is no requirement that a will be written by a professional. Likewise, there is no specific language requirement to make a will valid, and it can even be handwritten. This is to make the testamentary act of creating a will as accessible as possible and to give everyone the ability to direct the distribution of their estate after they pass away.

However, just because anyone can write their own will, it doesn’t necessarily make doing so a good idea. While there is no specific form or language that a will must use to be valid, there is merit in using language that has been around for years and therefore well-defined by the Courts. In addition, completing a will in an organized manner and using clear statements is imperative to making sure that your wishes are carried out after your death.

For most people, it is beneficial to seek the counsel of an expert when making their will, as an experienced attorney can answer questions, give guidance, and ensure that your wishes are spelled out exactly as you want them to be, and to offer strategies to distribute your estate to give you and your family the best advantages available.

let us help you make your will

Whether you are just starting out, were recently married, or are thinking more and more about what you will leave behind, it is never too soon to think about planning for your death. When you book a consultation with Attorney Otten, he will talk to you about your goals, and advise you on how to structure your bequests to best suit your and your family’s needs. Book your consultation today to get started.