browse through some articles on various topics.
If you have a question that isn’t answered here, schedule a call with an attorney, or send us a message!
what is the statute of frauds in tennessee?
Have you ever heard of a handshake deal? Or the fable of writing a contract on a diner napkin? Read more about the Statute of Frauds here.
what is a statute of limitations in tennessee?
Every claim is governed by time limits according to state law. Learn how the statute of limitations affects your right to recover. Book a consultation today!
tennessee contract basics
Learn the basics of Tennessee contracts, what they require, and what happens when they are breached. If you need help with a contract, book a consultation.
using positive adoption language in tennessee
Adoptions are an emotional event for both parents and children, and the words we use to describe it matter. Check out this guide to adoption language!
tennessee home studies - what are they?
Will you need an adoption home study in Tennessee? Most Tennessee adoptions do. Read for more info on what a home study is, and what's involved.
tennessee adoptees and inheritance
Some birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees have questions about the inheritance rights of adopted children. Can adopted children inherit from biological parents? From adoptive parents? Find the answers you need here.
how to file for divorce in knoxville
The divorce process in Tennessee is fairly straightforward. Here's how to file for divorce in Knox County. If you need help, give us a call.
open vs. closed tennessee adoption: which is right for you?
The United States is trending toward open adoptions, but closed adoptions still exist. Find out the differences between these types of adoption!
terminating fathers’ rights in tennessee
Which fathers' rights must be terminated prior to adoption? Contact an adoption attorney today.
thinking about adoption in tennessee? speak with a knoxville adoption attorney.
Considering adoption in Tennessee? An experienced Knoxville adoption attorney will help you through the adoption process. Book a consultation today.
adopting a teenager in tennessee: a guide for prospective parents
Learn about adopting a teenager in Tennessee, including statistics on Tennessee teenagers in foster care, methods for adoption, and the benefits of working with a Tennessee adoption attorney. Discover everything you need to know to provide a loving and stable home for a teenager in need. Contact the Otten Law Firm for guidance and support.
introduction to adoption - highlighting the importance of adoption and how it changes lives
Learn about the legal consequences and benefits of adoption in Tennessee and how adoption changes lives. Find an experienced adoption attorney at Otten Law today.